Saturday, 26 May 2007

26 May 2007

short overview of todays lesson:

today Julia took over Martins part of (trying to) teach(ing) us English.

the topic was "employment" and "application" and we learned some important vocab.
Julia also focused on the correct pronunciation of the used words and how dictionaries often mark the syllable which has to be stressed.



job ad

job vacancy [
an unoccupied position
application letter [app-li-'ca-tion]['lett-er]
a written request or appeal for employment
American English for CV
to be shortlisted
to be invited to an interview
applicant ['app-li-cant]
a person who applies for or requests something
candidate ['can-di-date]
an applicant for a position
reference ['ref-er-ence]
a statement, usually written, as to a person's abilities,
probationary [pro-ba-tion-ary]
under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon

Roland gave a very good presentation concerning if-clauses:

Type 1: Used when expected outcome is very likely

if + simple present + .... will ....

Type 2: Used when outcome is less likely or imaginary

if + simple past + .... would + infinitive ....

Homework (by 2 June 2007)

Market Leader:
p70 read article and answer questions B
p71 C, B (top of page)

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