Friday, 14 September 2007

8. September 2007 - first lesson after summer break - part #1

The topic of our first english lesson, after a 3 month pause, was Ethics. First we had to discuss what ethics is. It turned out that it's quite difficult to describe ethics. Here are some ideas that came up during the discussion about the meaning of ethics:

- social rules/responsibilities
- outside of law
- depends on the standard of living, education, religion

During the lesson we read an article about ethical behaviour. Following are some words from the article I didn't know (descriptions taken from []):

obesity, noun of the verb obese

obese [oh-bees]
- adjective
very fat or overweight; corpulent.

litigation [lit-i-gey-shuhn]
- noun
1. the act or process of litigating: a matter that is still in litigation.
2. a lawsuit.

- german: der Rechtsstreit

sue [soo]
- verb
1. to institute a process in law against; bring a civil action against: to sue someone for damages.

secretive [see-kri-tiv]
- adjective
having or showing a disposition to secrecy; reticent: He seems secretive about his new job.

civil servant
a member of the civil service

- german: der Beamte

There is more to come, so stay tuned, so long,

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